Monday, September 2, 2013

[Project 1] Digital Triptych Montage

The title of my triptych is "How can you help?" I used Adobe Photoshop CS6 and a combination of magazine scans and stock images from I referenced's list of endangered animals when choosing what animals to feature. In the "How can you help?" text, I made thumbnails of the animals from other panels clip over the text. Here is an example of what I mean by that, taken from the first triptych. 

I chose the theme of endangered animals because I personally really like animals and feel like people should be aware of how many are endangered. My favorite magazines have always been ones like National Geographic just for the animal pictures, and with this project being a collage, it instantly reminded me of that. The "How can you help?" headline came from a magazine article, but I opted to re-type it instead of scanning it so I could make it bold enough for the animal thumbnails to be clipped in.

The animals included are: Indian elephant, sea lion, Galápagos penguin, black rhino, green turtle, orangutan, beluga whale, giant pandas, tiger, chimpanzee, polar bear, and black-footed ferret. All of these animals are listed on as endangered or critically endangered.

I merged all the images in order to make them fit side-by-side in this blog post, but here are links to each triptych in its proper dimensions: triptych 1, triptych 2, triptych 3.

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